Kinłani (aka Flagstaff) has a high number of Indigenous Peoples who live here at the base of our sacred mountain without a continuous place for shelter.
Racist capitalists/colonizers & politicians with the City of Flagstaff continue to make life for our relatives on the street hard by criminalizing homelessness. Laws such as the notorious “Anti-Camping Ordinance†earned the city the 10th spot of The National Coalition for the Homeless’s report on “meanest†cities in the so-called “U.S.†to be unsheltered
in 2006.
Flagstaff police perpetuate extreme racial profiling targeting the Indigenous population.
According to annual reports from the Flagstaff Police Department,the City of Flagstaff arrests an average of more than 3,000 Indigenous People every year yet only 7,000 Native people call Flagstaff their home. The majority of these arrests are comprised of unsheltered relatives.(https://bit.ly/2D17Cx0)
We distribute warm weather gear, connect folx with necessary resources, host meals, give rides, search for people in the cold, challenge these racist policies, and much more… we are acutely aware of providing solidarity not charity. We seek to treat our relatives with dignity and respect, prevent deaths from exposure, provide resources for recovery, and organize for a more healthy & just future.
“Before 1492 we were never homeless, we always had a place to live.â€
– Shane R, unsheltered Indigenous community member
We’re in constant need of the following:
• Jackets
• Sleeping bags/blankets
• Backpacks (heavy duty)
• Gloves
• Socks
• Underwear • Menstrual Feminine Care products
• Hand/body warmers.
We could use:
• bus passes
• used tents
• Coffee (ground)/hot cocoa/tea bags.
• An end to capitalism.
Online donations & support: www.taalahooghan.org
Address to send items: 1704 N 2nd st Occupied Lands, Flagstaff, AZ 86004
Unsheltered relatives in Kinłani call for:
• End to racial profiling & police violence
• Immediate end to Flagstaff’s Anti-camping ordinance
• End to the “ROPE†repeat offender program
• Passage of a Homeless Bill of Rights
• Culturally based shelter & rehabilitation center supported by Navajo Nation and other Nations.
Contact Flagstaff City Council:
(928) 213-2015 council@flagstaffaz.gov.
#sleepisnotacrime #destroycapitalism #mutualaid #solidaritynotcharity