Greetings to our friends, supporters, & accomplices! 2012 has been an exciting, effective and challenging year for Táala Hooghan Infoshop. We have continued to offer skill-shares and events like silkscreen printing, Anartea discussions, hosting shows like battle of the bands, button making, blade-smithing, collaborative projects like the freebox (which continues […]
Yearly Archives: 2012
“Please Print this out and write to these prisoners. Better, post it publicly and use it to host a card writing night.We’re experimenting with the format a little, so this month is a double sided 11×17 that can also be used as a poster to promote your local […] Joel Olson’s death last spring came as shock to activists in Flagstaff, the state of Arizona, the US, and the world. For decades, the Northern Arizona University professor fought ferociously for social justice and for people to transform the oppression in their lives produced by racism, heteronormativity, sexism, police […]
DECEMBER: Every Tues. DIY Art Attack Skill-shares – 4pm – FREE! Linocut, recycled leather work, and more. Every Sat. Button Making – 5-6pm – FREE! Bring some 1″ button designs or use some of ours. Thurs. 6th – All Ages Show: Mirologue (Post hardcore/indie music from Phoenix), This Happens Every […]
Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012 Come celebrate five years of Taala Hooghan Infoshop & the Youth Media Center with this awesome event! Come early for book giveaways & more! We’re raising funds for rent so please come and support! BATTLE OF THE BANDS! @ 6:00pm GRAND PRIZE: HD Music Video! 2nd: […]
This month we are working hard to raise funds for an initial down payment on our community center! Please support our efforts: Ongoing: Every Friday- Volunteer and Collective Meeting 5:30pm Every Saturday- Button Making 5pm Every Sunday- Screenprinting 4pm Silent Auction from Saturday 9/1- Thrusday, 9/6 at the […]